Enoki Events, LLC was formed in 2007 to build community and cultivate experiences for change. Our initial project, the BOOST Conference was established to provide a leading-edge experience in professional development and serve a niche market of in and out-of-school time educators while creating a movement to inspire youth, inspire learning, inspire change. The BOOST Conference is the largest and most comprehensive global professional development convening held annually in Palm Springs, CA.
BOOST Conference features:
- Networking and team-building opportunities - more than 3,500 global educators
- More than 200 workshops (ranging from 1.25 to 2 hours)
- Pre-Conference Academies (3-8 hours of in-depth learning)
- Master Classes taught by world-class experts
- BOOST Nation: Town Hall - public meetings with national leaders
- 130+ Exhibitors sharing the newest resources, products, and services
- BOOST Film Festival featuring documentaries highlighting relevant topics on issues pertaining to youth
- BOOST Live Podcast Lounge - interviews with thought leaders, Q&A sessions, and expert panels with a live audience
- Opportunity to earn CEUs credit in Partnership with California Association of School Psychologists (CASP)
- Opportunities to experience guest speakers, authors, special events, and entertainment
A year later, the BOOST Collaborative was formally developed to provide additional support services including program and resource development, building community partnerships, promoting the importance of quality out-of-school time programming and partnerships, opportunities to share tools, resources, and promising practices, in addition to a variety of in-person and virtual training and consulting services. BOOST Boot Camps prepare your staff with the necessary tools and resources to be effective in supporting children, youth, families, and communities.
The BOOST Cafe is the most comprehensive online community for in and out-of-school time educators. The BOOST Cafe provides no-cost assets to support our community with relevant, timely, and easy-to-implement tools and resources. Participate in our Online Training & Learning Community, attend a virtual BOOSTer Summit, follow our blog and be inspired by weekly "brain food", discover thousands of vetted free resources in our Resource Center, find and post jobs in our Career Corner, browse through our Vendor Marketplace or find a speaker in our Speaker's Corner to meet your staff development needs, and search our Funding page for grants, awards, and scholarships. Set up a free profile and start connecting, learning, and sharing with other members in our Forum and Groups.
Follow BOOST social media

Additionally, Enoki Events, LLC collaborates with other purpose-driven organizations to enhance outcome-based services to meet the needs of growing issues affecting children, youth, families, and communities. The Healthy Behaviors Conference and TRUST Conference, and Legacy Summit are illustrations of such collaboration.
BOOST supports PK-HE Upper-level Administrators, Mid-level Administrators Direct Service Educators, and Capacity Builders serving children, youth, families, and communities. It is necessary to strategize and connect outside of our funding silos, engage across various sectors, and strategically collaborate to support and transform the children, youth, families, and communities we serve. Together, we make a difference.
Our passion project MARS (MUSIC, ARTS, RHYTHM, SOCIAL CHANGE) EXPERIENCE was created in 2011 and officially established in 2014.
"Follow" us on Twitter @MARS4GOOD and "Like" us on Facebook at facebook.com/MARS4GOOD for updates and inspiration.
Please click on the images below to learn about our annual activities. Interested in a partnership opportunity or engaging with BOOST Collaborative? Click here for more ideas.
2021 2020